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领域:高端装备制造产业 学校:华中科技大学职称:副教授


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1.  数字制造装备与技术国家重点实验室开放课题,基于椭圆振动切削的不锈钢降摩擦微结构制造技术研究,2018/01-2019/12, 在研,主持
2.  国家自然科学基金委中德联合科研基金,碳化硅金刚石切削加工脆塑转变和材料去除机理研究,2018/01-2020/12, 在研,参与
3.  国家自然科学基金委面上项目,聚酰亚胺薄膜超湿滑刀具时变切削的减摩抗粘机理与技术研究,2018/01-2021/12,在研,参与


1.   2010 黑龙江省优秀毕业生
2. 2011 日本砥粒加工学会优秀论文赏
3. 2014 日本机械学会优秀论文赏
4. 2015 日本精密工学会研究奖励赏

专   著:  
Junjie Zhang, Bing Guo, Jianguo Zhang. Simulation and Experiments of Material-Oriented Ultra-Precision Machining, Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd., Singapore, 2019, ISBN 978-981-13-3335-4. 

1.  J. Zhang, N. Suzuki*, Y. Wang, E. Shamoto. Fundamental investigation of ultra-precision ductile machining of tungsten carbide by applying elliptical vibration cutting with single crystal diamond. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 124, 2644-2659 (2014).
2.  J. Zhang, N. Suzuki*, Y. Wang, E. Shamoto. Ultra-precision nano-structure fabrication by amplitude control sculpturing method in elliptical vibration cutting. Precision Engineering, 39, 86-99 (2015).
3.  J. Zhang*, T. Cui, C. Ge, Y. Sui, H. Yang. Review of micro/nano machining by utilizing elliptical vibration cutting. International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 106, 109-126 (2016).
4.  J. Zhang*, Q. Li, H. Zhang, Q. Cui, T. Cui, C. Ge, Z. Sun, D. Zhang. Fast generation of micro structured surface by applying PCD tools in micro turning. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 90, 1165-1176 (2017).
5.  J. Zhang *, J. Zhang, T. Cui, Z. Hao, A. Zahrani. Sculpturing of single crystal silicon microstructures by elliptical vibration cutting. Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 29, 389-398 (2017).
6.  J. Zhang*, Q. Li, H. Zhang, Y. Sui, H. Yang. Investigation of Micro Square Structure Fabrication by Applying Textured Cutting Tool in WEDM. Micromachines, 6, 1427-1434 (2015).
7.  J. Zhang *, J. Zhang, Z. Wang, A. Hartmaier, Y. Yan, T. Sun. Interaction between phase transformations and dislocations at incipient plasticity of monocrystalline silicon under nanoindentation. Computational Materials Science, 131, 55-61 (2017).
8.  J. Zhang*, J. Zhang, A. Rosenkranz, X. Zhao, Y. Song. Surface textures fabricated by laser surface texturing and diamond cutting - Influence of texture depth on friction and wear. Advanced Engineering Materials, 1700995 (2018).
9.  J. Zhang*, N. Suzuki, E. Shamoto. Advanced Applications of Elliptical Vibration Cutting in Micro/Nanomachining of Difficult-to-Cut Materials. In Book: Simulation and Experiments of Material-Oriented Ultra-Precision Machining, 167-200 (2019).
10.J. Han, J. Lin*, Z. Li*, M. Lu, J. Zhang. Design and computational optimization of elliptical vibration-assisted cutting system with a novel flexure structure. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 66(2), 1151-1161 (2019).

